Saturday, February 9, 2008

Omega... our ovation for success

We came , We suffered... We conqured

Dear collegues,
I welcome you to a new semester, a semester that marks the end of our sojourn in this great vitadel of learning. our time together as classmates, friends, foes, brothers, sisiters and pals will come to and end as we conclude our study in Olabsi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye.

without doubt, these past four, five, six year together had been fun, streesfull and breathtaking. And i am sure this experience together will be a great part of our lives.

in some months to come, we will write our final exams and everybody will depart into the real world, where we will launch ourselves to our future. To me, its a time to soar and take my place, make a difference and become relevance, ans im sure a numbers of us share this., meanwhile to others the process is uncertain and fearful.

Certainly, our time together will fade away and end,and we will not be able to gather together like we have in the past years. again.

Against this background, i present to you the OMEGA Pioneer Brand....

OMEGA | Our Ovation for Success.
What is omega? Omega is the brand for our class, the Graduating Class of 2006-07 of mass Communication. In it we want to make a statement and make our experience together a permanent and worthwhile one. It is a bond that will unite us together as classmates, a memento of our struggle in Olabsi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye.

OMega will feature series of activities and events that will make our time together especially this last minute a memorable one. with it we will be building a permanent network that will be sustained for years to come, because you never can tell, a future president of our nation might be your classmates now.. As we play together, we will be launching the future NOW.

WHAT I OFFER | An oppurtunity to say in our own words what our story had been. to profile our experience, the department, lecturers and showcase to the world what our training had made of us. And make this last moment a memorable one for all.

The Yearbook wil be digitally designed, top quality full colour glossy print production, to be personalised for each individual along with a multimedia interractive DVD.

Also we will have a Special Interractive Seminar with selected authorities from the communication industry as facilitators on topics like brading yourself for Job, CV writting tips, The Creativity marketplace etc

The souvenirs such as stickers, t-shirts, Handbands customised with our brand to create a feeling of excitement and unity as we round up our degree. it will be our identity.

Tto cap the whole experience is the Appreciation Dinner and Awards Night where we will be hosting our lecturers, ourselves and friends to a big treat.

As I update you on developments concerning this project, myself and the entire yearbook committe seek your support, cooperation, advise and resources and as we embark on oa voyage that will make a mark in the history of this university.

Be part of a worthy cause...

One Class... One Challenge.... excitting possibilities....

Oshunkoya Olalekan Samuel
Chairman, Yerabook Committee

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