Saturday, June 21, 2008


Information Technology is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Information Technology is the use of computers when storing, arranging and distribution of information or data. The impact of information technology has been felt all over the world and in all areas of life. Over the past twenty plus years it has changed the world we live in and redesigned the way we work and play.

The advent of computers has made a lot of things that was impossible at a time possible. Because of the effort of IT, the world is now referred to as “global village”. With a click of a button, the whole world is at my finger tip. The internet, telephone, cable TV, e commerce, etc are all evidence of the way Information technology has changed our lives and make the impossible possible. The business circuit is now unlimited as business people now relate to clients and consumers from home.

Take a look around, what do you see, we see amazing things, a world without boarder, and we observe that IT has delivered to us in all aspect of life the freedom of life. As we know that information is power, the internet has given us the passport to reach the world, explore the world and own the world. Telephones have made business success incredible and globalization is the in- thing in every business.

If not for IT, this mail you are reading would have pass through a long tedious journey to reach you, meanwhile IT made what would have taken days or perhaps weeks, costing a lot of money easy with just a press of button in seconds.

Almost everything is possible on line, I can go to school online, buy on line, sell online, produce on line, and advertise online. What the internet and IT has to offer is limitless as the future of IT holds greater surprises.

IT has defiantly made a dramatic impact in the way we live our lives, making things a lot easier.

IT has become an aspect of everyday life. CEOs, managers, planners, pilots, business men, branders, house makers, students and indeed all professionals, are using it on a daily basis.

Contrary to some beliefs, IT makes things simple to. IT professionals are involved in designing and implementing systems that make the operation of a complex task manageable and plausible. Information technology has become the backbone of fortune thousands of companies and many a great wonders in our world today.

In the branding effort of business owners and manufacturers, the impact of IT is such that it has empowered marketing organizations with more skills and ways to further their clients’ course.

Brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity. These concepts and techniques are to improve the long-term profitability of brand strategies. And in achieving this, information technology opened a new way of getting to the consumers. From market research through survey on the internet, to product evaluation, actual buying and selling (e commerce), feedbacks, consumer relations etc.

A brand manager can maximize the availability of IT to develop marketing communication messages that seek to build brands and sustain them; computers are used in designing marketing communication messages for the print and outdoor media. IT also assists in the production, transmitting and exposure of marketing communication messages for television, radio and other medium. Computer applications and software’s are used to create beautiful messages that help deliver brand messages and increase brand awareness.

The internet also offers a great way to keep in touch with the consumers, the world wide web offers a brand manager a unique way to reach the consumers in the comfort of the homes, offices etc even when they are thousands of miles away. Consumer satisfaction has been increased greatly with the use of internet. A buyer can order for products and services from their homes and get them delivered in short period to their homes. Feedback is also made easy with online support for product and services, all these and many more has made it easier to manage brands and satisfy the consumer thereby increase (build) brands franchise.

Information technology is a tool that must be embraced by branders to build brands and improve their brands market value and share.

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