Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 2: This part of Nkabom is called ”Meeting the President”

With a lot of enthusiasm, excitement and expectation, we rolled out to the Presidential palace in Nicosia to meet the president of the Repblic of Cyprus. Demitris Christofias. The presidential palace is a quite place with little security as I had hoped. You know back in Nigeria, the seat of power is characterised with heavy security presence. With a warm reception, we were shown round the palace. Soon we settled to meet Mr. President, what a delightful moment as Mr. President joined us in the room with a warm hand shake to welcome everyone individual. (I was really delighted to get to shake hand with Mr. President).Sharing His story was quick and the questions rolled in. The answers too were long but not detailed as I had expected. The president spend a great deal of time to push for the 'greeks cypriots' position on the conflict from early times till now.We soon had a photo opportunity with the [present and a lot more time for individual paparazzi. I think it was a delightful experience after all especially when almost all of us had not had opportunity to meet our presidents. Before we know it its another session on conflict mapping where we were allowed to share ideas on stuffs like is conflict natural? Is a world without war possible? etc. its debate time as individuals justified their stand on either side of the argument. University of Nicosia is our Host.P.S. Its day 2, and I was privileged to meet some more delegate on one to one basics. Sharing ideas, interest and belief. Its fun.

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