Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 3: Behold the Dead Zone (Buffer Zone)….

This morning, again! With great enthusiasm, expectation and inquisition, we set on the tour to the United Nation Protected Area with the UNFICYP. The briefing on the “battle for Nicosia Airport was excellent, giving us the needed insight to understand the tour the more and taking us back to history. The visit to the airport proper was touching. It brings the reality of the (war) conflict into the heart, seeing the airport damaged and abandoned as it were in 1974 when the problem started makes one feel the impact of the damage of the conflict the more.

The UN camps too were a great sight to behold. Nothing can be more exciting than meeting the soldier over launch and hearing their experience as peace keepers. I was pleased personally meet some of this soldier and for the first time, I feel like being one. (But can I?). We were privileged to also visit the shopping centre, pick up some souvenirs as evidence of our passage through the camp. Participants were delighted to get souvenirs for their loved ones back home.

Looking at the UN Peace Keepers (UNFICYP) facility and the time they have being here, the cost of maintaining the forces here, It was really sad to know that the UN spends so much money to keep peace in an areas whose conflict could have been resolved if people could be more tolerant and patient. This money could have help feed millions of hungry people in different part of the world. Cater for dying sick people etc. What an Irony…Life could be funny at times.

Its time to meet the leader of the ‘Turkish Cypriots’, Mehmet Ali Talat. And for this purpose we had to cross the “boarder” to the northern Nicosia to meet him. He was a good man, patience and relaxed. He spent so much time to brief us on His own side of the story and just like his Greek Counterpart expressed optimism that the latest peace talks might work.

In my observation, the ‘Cyprus Conflict” is a unique conflict and is basically a political war and not a problem of the people. It’s a problem of quest fro power and control.

Day 2: This part of Nkabom is called ”Meeting the President”

With a lot of enthusiasm, excitement and expectation, we rolled out to the Presidential palace in Nicosia to meet the president of the Repblic of Cyprus. Demitris Christofias. The presidential palace is a quite place with little security as I had hoped. You know back in Nigeria, the seat of power is characterised with heavy security presence. With a warm reception, we were shown round the palace. Soon we settled to meet Mr. President, what a delightful moment as Mr. President joined us in the room with a warm hand shake to welcome everyone individual. (I was really delighted to get to shake hand with Mr. President).Sharing His story was quick and the questions rolled in. The answers too were long but not detailed as I had expected. The president spend a great deal of time to push for the 'greeks cypriots' position on the conflict from early times till now.We soon had a photo opportunity with the [present and a lot more time for individual paparazzi. I think it was a delightful experience after all especially when almost all of us had not had opportunity to meet our presidents. Before we know it its another session on conflict mapping where we were allowed to share ideas on stuffs like is conflict natural? Is a world without war possible? etc. its debate time as individuals justified their stand on either side of the argument. University of Nicosia is our Host.P.S. Its day 2, and I was privileged to meet some more delegate on one to one basics. Sharing ideas, interest and belief. Its fun.

Nkabom...DAY One...Getting the Basics!

At Nkabom 2008 (the commonwealth youth Leadership Programme), we 29 young people from 23 countries and territories, living in 6 continents. Between us we have traveled the whole circumference of the globe and we speak some 27 different languages. We live in every corner of the commonwealth; from Barbados, Bangladesh, Singapore, South Africa, Malta, Nigeria, Uganda, Mauritius and beyond. Some of us are from huge countries like Canada, Australia. Others come from tiny Islands like Vanuatu, Jersey and even Cyprus itself. We share interest in celebrating our diversity and multiculturalism.

Despite our varying differences, we share key similarities, notably; we are all young and passionate about sharing ideas especially about conflict and peace building.

We had come to Nicosia to experience the Cyprus conflict and use it as case study to develop our leadership potentials, as key agents for peace building, share deep insights and ideas on how we can contribute to a peaceful and better world as young people. Starting from our inputs and contributions in local community to the time we become commonwealth leaders of tomorrow.

Here is the first day. We get to meet each other formally and introduced ourselves, shared our passion, interest, expectations, fears and more important our uniqueness (USP).

We were introduced into the programme and given background information on the need and essence for peace with little exercise that seek to boost our understanding of the concept of peace. We were able to bring out four words that that causes conflict (Inequality, Intolerance, miscommunication…)

It’s lunch time and we met costa (a young cyproit) who showed us around and we had lunch, had a glimpse of the the green line from the restaurant’s garden.

Evening was another great time with Prof Yiannis Papadakis (social anthropologist and expert in the Cypriot conflict from the university of Cyprus) leading us on a tour to the green line. It was really great seeing the division lines and being in a no man’s land.

Dinner was great with Prof Yiannis as our special guest. Tiime for more and more question… It is really exciting getting to know the basics of the Cyprus conflict and conflicts as a whole..

PS: Met some of the Nkabom delegates, it was really great getting to meet some new passionate young people from different part of the world who are passionate, committed and interested in contributing to a better world.

Nkabom 2008 Participants

Martin Atela (Kenya)
Alvin Singh (Canada)
Talha Ghannam (United Kingdom)
Leigh Elston (Jersey)
Danial AbdulRAhman (Malaysia)
Reema Chataroo (Mauritius)
Maria Tsiarta (Cyprus)
Swati Chawla (India)
Richard Hargy (Northern Ireland)
Fiaza Muhammad (United Kingdom)
Alex Nuwagaba (Uganda)
Asiya Mohammmed (Trinidad and Tobago)
Ival Cummings John (UK/ Sierra Leone)
Kyasingmong Marma (Bangladesh)
Suryani Lukman (Singapore)
Andrew Solomon Napuat (Vanuatu)
Rosie Sitorus (Australlia)
Barbara Soetan (United Kingdom)
Jiselle Baker (Canada)
Olalekan Oshunkoya (Nigeria)
Valeria Okai (Ghana)
Hopolang Selebalo (Lesotho/South Africa)
Daisy Kirk (Malta)
Devan Marten (New Zealand)
Amarasingham Jeevan (Sri Lanka)
Helen Astaniou (Cyprus/UK)

Nkabom here I come!

On my way to Cyprus for the commonwealth youth leadership programme (Nkabom), I had to transit through in Egypt. Spending two in night the beautiful ancient city of Cairo was an experience worth sharing. While waiting for immigration formalities, interacting with the fellow travellers some of whom were also first time visitors to the city dominated the first few hours of my stop at Cairo. All of us are inquisitive to see the city and explore some her uniqueness, but since we were only here on transit there is a limit to what we can see.

At the popular La Passage five star hotel where we were lodged for the night, (this gesture from Egypt air disabused my initial expectation from the airline as friends had accounted for several experience in the hand of this airlines, some making them to spend the night in airport lounges…) the experience was indeed a night to remember, from the difficulty of getting a familiar food from the hotel collection( I had to settle for bread) through meeting tourists who were at the city to explore the beauty of nature, to learning a few Arabic names and their meanings( Mina, Islam, Bella(beauty)..).

The time for sleep was not left out because I had the greatest sleep in along time, far away from my daily stress, I was alone, relaxed and comfortable for the first time (but not away from my laptop which I still used to fine tune my presentation against Nkabom). The hotel room was excellent (anyway I don’t expect less from a five starred hotel)

This experience will not be complete without sharing some of my observations. Yetunde Osho is a young Nigeria who studies Medicine in Ukraine. Unlike other young Nigerian abroad I have seen, she was passionate about Nigeria, this we shared and we engaged in along discussion about what we youths home and abroad can do to help our country Nigeria. I was amazed at the disposition about the need for young people to help build a new Nigerian. As I late knew, I was not surprised she lived in the north for larger part of her life.

I think it is worth it to let you guys know that I was opportune to visit Beirut (Lebanon) spend few hours in their airport and shop at the duty free shops, good place though…

Another experience I will like to comment about is the treatment of the Cyprus immigration. I was not surprised to be treated like a typical Nigerian (black). They scrutinised all my claims even after verifying them and finding them to be correct. My entire attempt to proof to them my intention here is simply to attend a youth leadership programme for a few days and leave the island proved abortive. They doubted me and even accused me of being a second timer in the island. It was frustrating and very annoying to be treated that way when all I wanted was just to come and learn a few lessons from the Cyprus conflict. Sincerely, if not for the intervention of the authority of the organisers, the immigration officer was ready to send me back on the same plane that brought me. Is that not annoying? Does it mean all black people are interested in coming to “these” countries to seek greener pastures? It was really sad. I think we should do something really quick as Nigerians and better our lot.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Young Nigerian to meet President of Cyprus

This is what happen when you pursue your passion.

Young Nigerian to meet President of Cyprus

Nigerian graduate Olalekan Oshunkoya will meet President of Cyprus Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat as part of a youth peace-building programme taking place in Nicosia next week.

Oshunkoya, 24, from Ogun State, was selected from hundreds of young people around the world to take part in a week-long programme of activities relating to the theme “Conflict and Beyond” as part of the Commonwealth Youth Leadership Programme. The event comes just a week after long-awaited reunification talks between the Cypriot President and Turkish Cypriot leader are due to commence.

As well as discussing conflict resolution with the respective leaders, Oshunkoya, along with 28 other gifted youth delegates from 21 Commonwealth countries, will take a rare tour inside the Green Line with UN Peacekeepers and participate in workshops with the UNDP and British Council.

Oshunkoya is a graduate in Mass Communications and works in graphic design. He has been closely involved with youth work in Nigeria having been the director of Dreamakers International which works to empower talented young people.

Olalekan will bring valuable enthusiasm and experience to the programme which aims to inspire leaders of tomorrow.

We need to let young people wake up to know that they are worthwhile people with unique talents and skills, and that they have the power to make a difference in their community.”

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Information Technology is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Information Technology is the use of computers when storing, arranging and distribution of information or data. The impact of information technology has been felt all over the world and in all areas of life. Over the past twenty plus years it has changed the world we live in and redesigned the way we work and play.

The advent of computers has made a lot of things that was impossible at a time possible. Because of the effort of IT, the world is now referred to as “global village”. With a click of a button, the whole world is at my finger tip. The internet, telephone, cable TV, e commerce, etc are all evidence of the way Information technology has changed our lives and make the impossible possible. The business circuit is now unlimited as business people now relate to clients and consumers from home.

Take a look around, what do you see, we see amazing things, a world without boarder, and we observe that IT has delivered to us in all aspect of life the freedom of life. As we know that information is power, the internet has given us the passport to reach the world, explore the world and own the world. Telephones have made business success incredible and globalization is the in- thing in every business.

If not for IT, this mail you are reading would have pass through a long tedious journey to reach you, meanwhile IT made what would have taken days or perhaps weeks, costing a lot of money easy with just a press of button in seconds.

Almost everything is possible on line, I can go to school online, buy on line, sell online, produce on line, and advertise online. What the internet and IT has to offer is limitless as the future of IT holds greater surprises.

IT has defiantly made a dramatic impact in the way we live our lives, making things a lot easier.

IT has become an aspect of everyday life. CEOs, managers, planners, pilots, business men, branders, house makers, students and indeed all professionals, are using it on a daily basis.

Contrary to some beliefs, IT makes things simple to. IT professionals are involved in designing and implementing systems that make the operation of a complex task manageable and plausible. Information technology has become the backbone of fortune thousands of companies and many a great wonders in our world today.

In the branding effort of business owners and manufacturers, the impact of IT is such that it has empowered marketing organizations with more skills and ways to further their clients’ course.

Brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity. These concepts and techniques are to improve the long-term profitability of brand strategies. And in achieving this, information technology opened a new way of getting to the consumers. From market research through survey on the internet, to product evaluation, actual buying and selling (e commerce), feedbacks, consumer relations etc.

A brand manager can maximize the availability of IT to develop marketing communication messages that seek to build brands and sustain them; computers are used in designing marketing communication messages for the print and outdoor media. IT also assists in the production, transmitting and exposure of marketing communication messages for television, radio and other medium. Computer applications and software’s are used to create beautiful messages that help deliver brand messages and increase brand awareness.

The internet also offers a great way to keep in touch with the consumers, the world wide web offers a brand manager a unique way to reach the consumers in the comfort of the homes, offices etc even when they are thousands of miles away. Consumer satisfaction has been increased greatly with the use of internet. A buyer can order for products and services from their homes and get them delivered in short period to their homes. Feedback is also made easy with online support for product and services, all these and many more has made it easier to manage brands and satisfy the consumer thereby increase (build) brands franchise.

Information technology is a tool that must be embraced by branders to build brands and improve their brands market value and share.


When I enter into a shop to buy my favourite coca cola brand of soft drink and I realized the shop has just sold their last bottle to the person I met on my way in, though thirsty, instead of buying a close substitute like Pepsi, I will move to the next shop to get my favorite. Why?

The reason I will hold my thirst to the satisfaction of my favourite coca cola bottle is because I trusted the satisfaction I will get from my coke. This satisfaction, which is an outcome of my tested and trusted perception of the coke, is what led to my loyalty to the brand. This is the rationale for my sentiment for the brand. This feeling of continuous satisfaction and affection was built by the way and manner the manufacturer of coke had successfully created for coke “an image” or “a personality” that I had come to associate with, such that when it comes to satisfying my need( thirst), its coke or nothing. This is because they made a promise to always satisfy my thirst need and since they had effectively satisfied it over a long period, I can always count on them. To me, that’s what branding is all about.

Branding provide for a product, service, event, person, company etc an opportunity to make a promise, deliver on it consistently thus gaining the confidence of their consumers. Branding is the simply consistent delivery on a promise that makes a buyer loyal to a particular product (brand) thereby differentiating it from the competitors.

A brand is an implied promise that the level of quality consumers have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer.

Simply put, a brand is a promise. This promise is delivered by identifying and authenticating a product or service, which delivers a pledge of satisfaction and quality.

A brand can be deployed as label of ownership for a product; idea and concept that is expressed in name, logo, signs, symbols, design e.t.c. These names can be copyrighted or registered in other to differentiate them from other brands and protect imitation. For example, the coca cola brand has for long adopted the coca cola symbol, red colour, contour bottle and the stylish ribbon with bubbles as trademarks (brands) that differentiated them from other soft drinks brands.

It is very necessary for marketers to engage in branding because it seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique.

A brand which is widely known in the marketplace acquires brand recognition. When brand recognition builds up to a point where a brand enjoys a critical mass of positive sentiment in the marketplace, it is said to have achieved brand franchise. One goal in brand recognition is the identification of a brand without the name of the company present

To brand a product or services is to make a deliberate effort to apply marketing techniques that seek to increase the products or services perceived value to the consumer. This increases the brand franchise or otherwise brand equity.

To succeed in branding one must understand the needs and wants of his customers and prospects. This is done by integrating brand strategies through the company at every point of public contact.

Brand resides within the hearts and minds of consumers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which can be influenced, and some that cannot be.

A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It's important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand. The brand is the source of a promise to consumers. It's a foundational piece in marketing communication and one that cannot be discarded.

Brand Equity is the measure of the total value of the brand to the brand owner, and this reflects the extent of brand franchise.

Brand Essence is a way of articulating the emotional connection and lasting impression, usually summed up with one simple statement or phrase -- that defines the qualities, personality and uniqueness of a brand. Brand Essence characterizes what a brand stands for in the minds of customers and stakeholders. It embodies the brand's core competencies, advantages, culture and values.

Branding gives company the grace to communicate message clearly, confirm the products credibility, connect with target audience/ prospects emotionally, motivate and persuade the consumers and solidify consumer’s loyalty.

Powerful brands can drive great success in competitive market and indeed become a company’s most valuable asset.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


He is Oshukoya Olalekan and 24; recently rounded up his degree in Mass Communication with specialisation in Advertising, holds a diploma in Law, Graphic Designs and Printing.

He abandoned the pursuit of a degree in Industrial Chemistry in his final year to find expression for his creativity and talent and pursued a degree in Mass Communication.

He professes unusual creative ability, driven by innovation, persistence, creativity and excellence; he seeks to make a mark in the marketing communication industry both locally and internationally. He is an excellent inter-personal communicator. He is convinced he belong to the next generation of advert practitioners, the real solution providers. He does not believe in impossibility.

He is confident in whom he is what he can do and in the passion he pursue. He has a huge interest in politics, business, leadership, youth empowerment and ICT. He believes radical ideas are not bad idea and that the customer defines a job well done.

While in school, he was a student leader, contested and won several leadership positions and at other times appointed to serve in different committees and commissions. He is passionate about service and will always go extra mile for others sake. He has several awards to his credit as evidence of his commitment to service to humanity.

He managed a creative boutique (sleyax grafix int'l) for seven years as a student and used the proceeds to sponsor his education.

He is mentored by Bishop TD Jakes, David Ogilvy, Richard Branson, Biodun Shobanjo and Charles O Tudor.

He can function as a Graphic Artist, Copy writer, Art Director and an Account Executive.

Armed with talent, skill, hard work and a resolute mind, he is ready to take on a world that changes at the speed of light.

I doubt if you will allow this great talent pass you by.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Omega... our ovation for success

We came , We suffered... We conqured

Dear collegues,
I welcome you to a new semester, a semester that marks the end of our sojourn in this great vitadel of learning. our time together as classmates, friends, foes, brothers, sisiters and pals will come to and end as we conclude our study in Olabsi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye.

without doubt, these past four, five, six year together had been fun, streesfull and breathtaking. And i am sure this experience together will be a great part of our lives.

in some months to come, we will write our final exams and everybody will depart into the real world, where we will launch ourselves to our future. To me, its a time to soar and take my place, make a difference and become relevance, ans im sure a numbers of us share this., meanwhile to others the process is uncertain and fearful.

Certainly, our time together will fade away and end,and we will not be able to gather together like we have in the past years. again.

Against this background, i present to you the OMEGA Pioneer Brand....

OMEGA | Our Ovation for Success.
What is omega? Omega is the brand for our class, the Graduating Class of 2006-07 of mass Communication. In it we want to make a statement and make our experience together a permanent and worthwhile one. It is a bond that will unite us together as classmates, a memento of our struggle in Olabsi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye.

OMega will feature series of activities and events that will make our time together especially this last minute a memorable one. with it we will be building a permanent network that will be sustained for years to come, because you never can tell, a future president of our nation might be your classmates now.. As we play together, we will be launching the future NOW.

WHAT I OFFER | An oppurtunity to say in our own words what our story had been. to profile our experience, the department, lecturers and showcase to the world what our training had made of us. And make this last moment a memorable one for all.

The Yearbook wil be digitally designed, top quality full colour glossy print production, to be personalised for each individual along with a multimedia interractive DVD.

Also we will have a Special Interractive Seminar with selected authorities from the communication industry as facilitators on topics like brading yourself for Job, CV writting tips, The Creativity marketplace etc

The souvenirs such as stickers, t-shirts, Handbands customised with our brand to create a feeling of excitement and unity as we round up our degree. it will be our identity.

Tto cap the whole experience is the Appreciation Dinner and Awards Night where we will be hosting our lecturers, ourselves and friends to a big treat.

As I update you on developments concerning this project, myself and the entire yearbook committe seek your support, cooperation, advise and resources and as we embark on oa voyage that will make a mark in the history of this university.

Be part of a worthy cause...

One Class... One Challenge.... excitting possibilities....

Oshunkoya Olalekan Samuel
Chairman, Yerabook Committee

Olabisi Onabanjo University Achievers Award... On a mission

"young people are the product and reflections of the environments in which they live. And if young people are to be happier, more positive and purposeful, then we have to look into our own values and vision and begin to empower youths to be more caring, confident and contributing members of the society"

Olabisi Onabanjo University Achievers Award is an initiative by the youth for the youth. in it we can ear the voice of young people crying out for empowerment. it is created in response to young peoples need to be motovated, inspired and empowered. it is young peoples effort to raise awareness about the opportunities available for young people as well as the challenges.

OOUAA is ambitious in scope, seeking to change the way young people see themselves as well as how they are perceived by others with a view of enabling them to feel more valued and better able to fulfill their potentials and play a meaningful role in the society.

In OOUAA we will be celebrating and exposing 101 young people (Students of OOU Ago Iwoye) who in doing different things (socials, academics, enterperise, politics, leadership, creativity,etc) have shown to the world that values still exist and with hardwork, consistency and faith, success can be achieved.

As we celebrate these young people , we seek them as role models, to inspire other young people to pursue relevance and thus ignite a chain reation that will revolutionalise our youth and birth a new way of life....challenge the creative ability and skills of ther youths and empower them to be the best, power and birth their dreams and live for the future...

The event is a package that will feature Dare 2 Dream Conference: a special timeout with great facilitators that seek to inspire, empower and challenge young people to live their dream with Special mentoring session with the achievers who has blazed the trail. we expect to use this forum to awaken the sleepng giant within each participating young mind and endear them for real action.

A special publication "Ignition" will be produced to feature profiles of guest speakers, awardees, parteners etc and will be deployed as a tool to further increase the reach and influence of the project. Ignition will be made available in print in all major tertiary institution in Nigeria and online for all at no cost.

we are on a "mission of change" and we welcome those who believe it is time to truly engage the mind of our young people with positive values to take a stand with us, your involvement can be in any of the folllowing.

Partner: As a partner you help with provision of sponsorship for all or parts of the major event. Your logo and and other brands will be deployed aroun sponsored events and on ignition

Associate: As an associate you invest time, energy and resources to ensure we have a great outing

Intern: As an intern, you contribute manpower and benefit from the exposure of organising such an event. you will have your name inscribed on ignition as an itern and you will also get a certificate of revognition

The ship is set to sail, wouldn't you rather be part of history?

For more Information visit www.oouaa.org

or send me a mail at lekanoshunkoya@gmail.com.